Map of Devon in South-West England Devon also historically known as Devonshire... is situated in the far South West of England and bordered by the county of Cornwall to the west and the counties of Dorset and Somerset to the east.  It is the third largest county in England, popular with tourists and boasts some lovely coastal scenery, sandy beaches, quaint fishing villages and two National Parks - Dartmoor and Exmoor.

Over the years, the county boundaries have changed, so for some parishes you might find it useful to visit the neighbouring county Gen Web sites of: Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset.

About DevonGenWeb

The aim of DevonGenWeb is to provide links to Genealogy and Family History resources to help researchers find local resources and reference material.

DevonGenWeb is part of the England Gen Web project, divided by county sites.  You can visit other England Gen Web sites, along with the British Isles and World Gen sites by using the drop-down menu at the top of this page.

Site Navigation

Finding your way around Devon Gen Web.DevonGenWeb is divided into 2 main sections:

Please use the Menu to the right of each page to navigate within each section.

Footprints... a Step Back in Time

Footprints... Devon Genealogy and Family History Site Footprints... is my own website dedicated to Devon Genealogy and Family History which evolved from researching my own Devon ancestry.  It contains photographs, historical information, extractions from Parish Registers and transcriptions of other genealogical material.