Contact DevonGenWeb

If you wish to report a broken link, or add a website to DevonGenWeb, then please feel free to contact me.

While I may be able to help point you in the right direction if you are looking for records, I work during the week, so I am unable to visit record offices to do research for you.

Spam & Junk Mail

Mr. Spam

Many of our email providers now have filters to guard against spam.  This is very helpful in reducing junk mail, but can sometimes result in legitimate emails being filtered out.

If you contact DevonGenWeb, please add our email address to your filters to ensure you receive my reply.

Email Replies

I aim to answer all emails that are received through this site within 7 days, so please rest assured that I will answer!  Likewise, I would appreciate acknowledgement that you have received my reply please.

Finally... Our Email

Email addresses on this site are protected with JavaScript.  If you have JavaScript enabled in your browser you should just be able to click on this link:

If you can't see the link above, copy the email address below to contact me.  Please note that this is a graphic, so is not a clickable link.

Copy the email address to contact Sue Davey at Devon Gen Web